Tuesday, 29 March 2011

"Beauty is not how skinny you can be"

I have been trying to help a friend recently who suffers form an eating disorder and it made me realise something- even people who do not have ED's suffer from a distorted view of beauty and how we should be.  I know that I do- and I have yet to meet a single person who does not have a wish to look a bit different, be a bit thinner, all because of today's portrayal of what we should look like.  So while I was doing some research for her I came across this video on youtube.  It is beautiful.  Ok, slightly Alice in Wonderland-ish at times but if only we all had the same view point as this little girl:


I personally am exactly the same as all those people out there who aren't happy with who we are.  There is always something I want to change.  But I have grown to realise something recently- as long as we are being healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually then it shouldn't matter if we are a size 12 or a size 2, tall or short or anything else.  I know that God would not want us to abuse our bodies- with drugs, alcohol. . .or even food!  He loves us and gave us our bodies, so starving that body I really don't think is a good thing.  Who cares if you won't fit into that size?  If you are healthy, then the size you are at is your right size.

I wanted to write about this today because it is something i have thought about a lot in my life.  As a gymnast and dancer when I was younger I was pressured into being a certain size and weight by my coaches, and this gave me very unhealthy habbits which I am only now beginning to break.  And as I try to regain my own healthy habits I have looked to friends and friends have come to me for help to.  Its a huge problem today which I don't think is addressed enough.

I personally can think of about 17 of my friends who have currently or have had an eating dissorder in their lives.  The youngest one was 6 years old when it started.  That is not ok!

I have challenged myself to be healthy, and the changes I have seen have been fantastic!  My body hasn't changed all that much, because good change happens slowly.  But my mind and my attitude have changed so much.  Dont be put off course by societies faulty guide to beauty.  Or celeb fad's.  Or anything which isn't good and beneficial to mn, but be yourself, be healthy and be happy!  I would hate to think of Emily growing up to think she had to change who she was just to be 'beautiful', but its us who have to make our friends, family and the next generation as well as ourselves know what it truelly means to be beautiful.

Hope this hasn't been to intense a post- I'm usually a pretty lighthearted person and writer.  But sometimes things just make you realise how much un-needed suffereing goes on which could be changed so easily- just by changing an attitude.

:)  Be happy!! x

Friday, 25 March 2011

Rise and Shout!!

Yip.  Thats pretty much all Simon and I have wanted to do the past couple of weeks.

First of all Simon and I both got accepted to BYU for the fall! Uber excited.  It was amazing for me getting in again, but since I am a former student it was an easy application, Simon getting accepted to his course is something I am so proud of him for.  He is doing his masters in Construction Management and last year only 5 applicants were admitted!!!  yeah, its one of those crazy competative BYU courses.  Pretty big achievement.  But of course I expected nothing else since he is just simply a star and probably blew their socks off with his application. lol.  except the fact he almost failed his GMAT exam.  Another story for another time.  Anyway, we have a million and one things to do before we go, but once our visa's are secured we will just have to pack and fly away for 2 amaing (hopefully) years in Utah. Packing will probably be a whole saga in itself since we have stuff to store here and 3 lots of clothes, toys, life etc to pack in just three suitcases.  Im trying not to think abut it since everytime I do I start to panic a little bit. lol. Anyway, its amazing! We get to register fr our classes next week and I am actually that excited that im desperate to get there and buy my textbooks!!  Yikes.  I never thought I'd see the day that THAT happened!.

Also, I am taking an awesome religion class about the prophets and apostels ( current) which is to be taught by Lloyd Newell.  The guy that does Music and the spoken word and all the voiceover's for General Conference etc.  Epic.  I'm prety sure I will laugh the first time he talks just because it will be the voice form the TV!  Hopefully I will be taking it with my old roomates too which will be brilliant!

We decided that before we go we should take a holiday in Europe since it will be at least a few years before we get the chance again.  We thought about the Canaries since it will be sunny for sure in April when we are going, but Simon really wanted to show me his old misison so we are headed to Cyprus!  It looks amazing and I cannot wait!  Only a week and 2 days to go though so somehow I will cope with the wait! :)  The downside of a holiday is I am no shape for my bikini :( babies are a hazard for your figure.  But so long as no-one knows me or takes any pictures i'm sure it will go smoothly. lol. He has some beautiful sights lined up for us to go and see and the beaches and mountains are beautiful. . . .and. . . its Emily's first holiday!!!  Bring on the sun block and cute baby swimming costumes.

So to sum up, life is all excitement, excitement, excitement, hard work and some more excitement!!

Emily update since i can't seem to blog without one. .

*She is now mobile in her baby walker, although she finds it easier to go backwards for some reason.  Means she gets stuck a lot!

*Her first tooth has poked through and you can see a wee white spot at the front.  At least that explains why she was so grumpy a couple of days ago!

*She weighs just over 17lb!!  Which I though was pretty amazing untill the health visitor asked if it concerned me. :/  Definately not a chubby baby, but oh so cute!!

*She eats like her daddy. . .lots!!  Fromage Frais and spaghetti carbonara are her favourites!

Life is exciting.x

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Pride and Prejudice

So Yesterday was my sister's official signing on to the Law Society of Scotland's books at the Signet Library in Edinburgh.  I didn't tear up as much as I did at her graduation, thankfully, but it was another one of those moments where you feel nothing but pride for another person.  I know, I know, pride is a bad thing right? wrong.  Or at least I think so.  I think personal pride is wrong.  But I do not see how you can't be proud of the people that you love.  Anyways, I was so proud of my sister, but I think me and my dad were the only two "normal" people in the audience.  Everyone else there that we heard in conversation were hilariously posh, proud and prejudiced.  One man sitting next to me was talking to his wife about how they were so lucky that their son had decided to become a lawyer and have a reputable career.  Needless to say sitting next to him, degree-less and hoping to be a teacher made me feel a little below par.  The funniest thing about him was when he started talking about people who don't even have a degree by the time they are 22 are massive time wasters, he looked at me for backup that he was, of course, right.  haha.  Sorry mate- but I am yet to graduate am 22, I really disagree with you! lol.  Anyway, thats for the prejudice part.  (P.S hopefully will be graduating at some point! lol) Back to proud.  Here are a few things I am proud of:

* Emily rolling over
*Emily eating solids and loving them
*Emily is now in 6-9 month clothes and follow on milk!
*OK, basically just Emily.  The most beautiful, happy and simply amazing little girl I could have ever imagined
*Simon and all his little behind the scenes achievements
*My sister officially becoming a solicitor
*I am proud of all stay at home mums, it's the hardest and best job there is!
* I am proud of all full time missionaries who give up so much of their time to serve other people
 * I am proud of all my friends for simply being awesome.  And yes- to all my american/canadian friends I am especially proud of you for surviving without me the last 2 years.  You now will hopefully get me back at somepoint soon with an amazing husband and wee bambino!!
* yes, my name is Judith and I am proud.  Hola!

"For a while it almost became taboo among Church members to say that they were “proud” of their children or their country or that they took “pride” in their work. The very word pride seemed to become an outcast in our vocabulary.

I believe there is a difference between being proud of certain things and being prideful. I am proud of many things. I am proud of my wife. I am proud of our children and grandchildren.
I am proud of the youth of the Church, and I rejoice in their goodness. I am proud of you, my dear and faithful brethren. I am proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you as a bearer of the holy priesthood of God."  Elder Uchtdorf

Emily's first mouthful of solids

So be proud!!. . .but in the right way.  :)
Yes.  I know its sideways but I am NOT proud of my technical skills.  I am so proud of this wierdo.  He is my life.  <3

Sister and pops. :)
Here are some things I am proud of. .

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The Bottomless Pit's

I always seem to forget how much Missionaries eat!!!  What is it that makes them like that??  I seriously think they are bottomless pits.  Last time we had them over, I made enough for 4 people.  Me, Simon and 2 Elders = 4.  Made sense to me!  But apparently Missionaries have a different formula for working out how much to cook.  Number of people+ (number of missionaries x 2).  Yip.  So this time we had the AP's coming again and I decided not only to make enough burrito's for 4 people but make enough for fajita's for 4 as well.  Thats 8 peoples worth of food.  I ate 2,  Simon ate 3, and there was only 2 tortillas left at the end.  They ate 5 each!!!!!!  wow.  Their eating habbits aside, I love the Bottomless Pitts.  Having the missionaries in your home is such a joy!

Having them over reminds me of when I was investigating the church and the difference that being a member has brought into my life.  I get so overwhelmed by the amazing job these young men and women do and the sacrifice they make to leave home for 18 months to 2 years.  I had always planned to serve a mission when I turned 21- but instead I chose a different fairy tale and I am so glad that I did.  Because now I don't only get my happily ever after, but I can serve a mission when I am older with my husband by my side.  The ideal companion!!

Anyway, back to bottomless pits.  My daughter.  Yes, thats right, she has gone from eating a little bit to wolfing down serving sizes that are massive!!  If I buy a jar, she eats the big sized one then has room for a bit of desert and a bottle.  I was gobsmacked when she started that!  And when I make my own she needs 3 protions.  Thats another rant.  The baby food portioners that you buy for the freezer.  They say they are ideal size for weaning, and I agree.  When beginning weaning they only take a small amount.  But weaning doesnt last long and then they eat loads!!  Warning to any mothers about to start weaning.  Don't waste your money on stuff like that!  Just buy small tupperware or something.  Also, if you wean from 6 months then your baby doesnt need everything blended- just mash it together.  Yet again saving money on blender or baby food making helps.  Having a baby is expensive enough without all that jazz!!!

Anyway, rant about bottomless pits over.  I love them!!

They Grow up so fast. . .

I always was told to enjoy every minute of your life because it goes by so fast, then when I fell pregnant I heard it from so many people that they grow up so fast and time passes too quickly, and I of course didn't really believe them.  But now I believe them!!

Emily turned 6 months old this time last week, thats half a year gone by already!  She is no longer the tiny, precious newborn that I thought she would be for a lot longer than she was.  She is now bouncy, adventurous and such a vibrant baby!  Since she was so small when she was born, I thought she would stay small for her age, I thought she would go into 6-9 month clothes when she was almost 9 months and follow on that trend.  Oh how wrong you can be!  We noticed that her sleepsuits were tight on her toes and her dresses were becoming immodestly short :/  so I got out her 6-9 month sleepsuits for a little more toe room, but assumed they would drown her since her 3-6 are still baggy, just too short.  Well they fit perfectly! She is Officially the norm for a 6 month old and having a low birth weight hasn't stopped her in the slightest.  So proud of her but so sad she isn't going to be a baby forever! It's amazing how quickly time passes when you have a baby and I am so eager to see her next stages into walking, talking, being a toddler, a girl and even a teenager!! ( remind me at the time that I at one stage looked forward to seeing her as a teenager and I am sure I will deny it!!)  To see her baptised, complete YW, seminary, institute, maybe serve a mission and get married one day herself.  Life holds so much in store, and seeing your own child growing day by day and fulfilling so many accomplishments is the most amazing and precious gift I could ever have imagined.  I always knew that I wanted to be a wife and a mother, even when I was young, but even in those wildest dreams I could not have imagined just how wonderful an experience it would be.

Yesterday Simon and I watched Cheaper by the Dozen with my family.  We had a good laugh imagining having that many children, I am so amazed that some people can handle it.  I really do not think I am one of them. Lol. However, I am so excited to see our family grow together, learn together, live, laugh and love together.  Family truly is the greatest gift.  <3
Emily and me, 8 Months
Emily, 6 Months old.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Catching up pictures

The Ceilidh

The reason I was late to church!

Arriving in style
Newly Weds

No Scottish wedding is complete without men in kilts

My lovely Bridesmaids

34 weeks pregnant

Proud Daddy

1 Hour old


Home at last

Catching up.

So I started a blog for myself about a year ago but never actually published it, so instead of updating that one, Simon and I decided to start a family blog so that people we know and love can keep up to date with us.  So here is a wee catch up on our lives. . . 

Simon and I were married in October 2009, on the sunniest day that I think October in Scotland has ever seen!!  We had a Ceilidh the night before we were married and went to the Temple in Preston after our ceremony in Edinburgh.  It was the best two days I could ever have imagined, and every day since has been a dream.  We went to Greece for a week as our Honeymoon and Simon got to show of his second language while I watched with my jaw dropped!!  Greek is not an easy language to pick up, I only managed 2 words the entire week! 

After our honeymoon we moved into our new house and got stuck into some DIY since the house looked like a blind woman from the 70's had decorated it! Simon Graduated from Uni and started working and I was working away as a nursery assistant, then in December 2009 we found out that we were expecting a baby!!

Emily Fiona Beveridge was born on the 31st August 2010 and weighed 6lb 1oz, she was like a tiny doll!  She was, and still is, the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen.  Sorry to everyone else! lol.  She is now 6 months old and I can't believe it has passed so quickly.  All of her firsts have been so exciting, first smile, 
laugh, sitting up, rolling over, and now her first solid foods!  She is getting to be a pro at all of them and is rarely seen not smiling! :)  She is a big cheezer and I love it.  You will get to hear all about her when we start blogging more, but we are sorry Rachel, we are not going ahead with the Emily dedicated site for followers like you asked for!!:)

Anyway, how is that for fitting 2 years of excitement into 3 paragraphs!!  Catch up over, its time for the real posts to start. . . . .