Friday, 25 March 2011

Rise and Shout!!

Yip.  Thats pretty much all Simon and I have wanted to do the past couple of weeks.

First of all Simon and I both got accepted to BYU for the fall! Uber excited.  It was amazing for me getting in again, but since I am a former student it was an easy application, Simon getting accepted to his course is something I am so proud of him for.  He is doing his masters in Construction Management and last year only 5 applicants were admitted!!!  yeah, its one of those crazy competative BYU courses.  Pretty big achievement.  But of course I expected nothing else since he is just simply a star and probably blew their socks off with his application. lol.  except the fact he almost failed his GMAT exam.  Another story for another time.  Anyway, we have a million and one things to do before we go, but once our visa's are secured we will just have to pack and fly away for 2 amaing (hopefully) years in Utah. Packing will probably be a whole saga in itself since we have stuff to store here and 3 lots of clothes, toys, life etc to pack in just three suitcases.  Im trying not to think abut it since everytime I do I start to panic a little bit. lol. Anyway, its amazing! We get to register fr our classes next week and I am actually that excited that im desperate to get there and buy my textbooks!!  Yikes.  I never thought I'd see the day that THAT happened!.

Also, I am taking an awesome religion class about the prophets and apostels ( current) which is to be taught by Lloyd Newell.  The guy that does Music and the spoken word and all the voiceover's for General Conference etc.  Epic.  I'm prety sure I will laugh the first time he talks just because it will be the voice form the TV!  Hopefully I will be taking it with my old roomates too which will be brilliant!

We decided that before we go we should take a holiday in Europe since it will be at least a few years before we get the chance again.  We thought about the Canaries since it will be sunny for sure in April when we are going, but Simon really wanted to show me his old misison so we are headed to Cyprus!  It looks amazing and I cannot wait!  Only a week and 2 days to go though so somehow I will cope with the wait! :)  The downside of a holiday is I am no shape for my bikini :( babies are a hazard for your figure.  But so long as no-one knows me or takes any pictures i'm sure it will go smoothly. lol. He has some beautiful sights lined up for us to go and see and the beaches and mountains are beautiful. . . .and. . . its Emily's first holiday!!!  Bring on the sun block and cute baby swimming costumes.

So to sum up, life is all excitement, excitement, excitement, hard work and some more excitement!!

Emily update since i can't seem to blog without one. .

*She is now mobile in her baby walker, although she finds it easier to go backwards for some reason.  Means she gets stuck a lot!

*Her first tooth has poked through and you can see a wee white spot at the front.  At least that explains why she was so grumpy a couple of days ago!

*She weighs just over 17lb!!  Which I though was pretty amazing untill the health visitor asked if it concerned me. :/  Definately not a chubby baby, but oh so cute!!

*She eats like her daddy. . .lots!!  Fromage Frais and spaghetti carbonara are her favourites!

Life is exciting.x

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